Global Restoration Information Hub by G20 Land Initiative

Global Restoration Information Hub

The Global Restoration Information Hub is part of a much broader programme initiated by the G20 Members to achieve 50% reduction in degraded land by 2040. The G20 Global Land Initiative’s Global Restoration Information Hub consolidates and shares land restoration data, global commitments, legislations and global community practices from all public sources on a single platform.

The Global Restoration Information Hub is part of a much broader programme initiated by the G20 Members to achieve 50% reduction in degraded land by 2040. The G20 Global Land Initiative’s Global Restoration Information Hub consolidates and shares land restoration data, global commitments, legislations and global community practices from all public sources on a single platform.

The Global Restoration Information Hub is part of a much broader programme initiated by the G20 Members to achieve 50% reduction in degraded land by 2040. The G20 Global Land Initiative’s Global Restoration Information Hub consolidates and shares land restoration data, global commitments, legislations and global community practices from all public sources on a single platform.

Other Databases

There are many global and regional databases that provide information related to land restorations. This platform brings together some important databases along with their relevant summaries.