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How to Mobilise Your Faith Community Towards Land Restoration

How to Mobilise Your Faith Community Towards Land Restoration

Belief shapes behavior, and with 85% of the world practicing faith, faith leaders wield significant influence in promoting sustainable development. This event highlights the power of interfaith collaboration for land restoration, featuring leaders sharing core values in our collective responsibility to care for the Earth.

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Yukiko Yamada Morovic

Technical Director, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action, World Vision International

Muhammad Zubair

Chief Executive Officer AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics

Georgina Bwango

Administrative and Finance Officer, G20 Global Land Initiative

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

Founder, The Art of Living

Maureen Goodman

Programme Director for the Brahma Kumaris UK

Upcoming & Recent Events

8th International conference on deserts, drylands and desertification

Desertif’actions 2022

International conference: Forestry science for sustainable development