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Cultivating a New Wave of Environmental Restorers: ​Commemorating International Education Day

Cultivating a New Wave of Environmental Restorers: ​Commemorating International Education Day

This 60-minute session on Zoom will explore the crucial role of land restoration in countering climate change and preserving vital services. Discover the pressing need to address the education gap in producing experts for land restoration. Explore how our new course bridges this gap and promotes innovative teaching practices globally.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Norman M. Kearney

Senior Research Scientist, University of Bern, Switzerland

Dr. Seema Purushothaman

Azim Premji University, India

Dr. Samuel Olajuyigbe

Forest Ecologist and Biodiversity Management Expert, University of Ibadan, Nigeria


Dr. Karen Sudmeier-Rieux

Education and capacity building expert and course developer, G20 Global Land Initiative Coordination Office, UNCCD

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8th International conference on deserts, drylands and desertification

Desertif’actions 2022

International conference: Forestry science for sustainable development