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Inviting Faith-based Organizations to Lead Land Restoration

Bonn, 22/07/2024 — The G20 Global Land Initiative (GLI) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is inviting interested stakeholders to a virtual briefing on 31 July 2024 to discuss the role of faith-based groups in land and ecosystem restoration.

Titled “Engaging Faith-Based Groups for Land and Ecosystem Restoration,” the briefing will take place at 9am ET, 3pm CET, and 4pm EAT.

G20 GLI’s mission is to reduce degraded land by 50% by 2040. Faith communities can play a pivotal role in restoring degraded lands by mobilizing and inspiring their followers to take action.

Participants will discuss the crucial role of land restoration in addressing climate change and biodiversity loss, and how faith groups can contribute, particularly ahead of the UNCCD COP16 conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, this December.

Faith-based groups and other stakeholders interested in participating can register here: https://unccd-int.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_J4rYiKRSS_CFFC_99q8GmA#/registration.

For further details, contact:

Gopal Patel, Faith Engagement Policy Expert, UNCCD

Email: gpatel@unccd.int

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