About Global Restoration Information Hub

About Global Restoration Information Hub

The Global Restoration Information Hub is part of a much broader programme initiated by the G20 Member States to achieve 50% reduction in land degradation by 2040.

The Global Restoration Information Hub will not only provide easier access to information on land degradation, conservation, restoration, and sustainable land management but also promote the institutions currently compiling such information and foster the collaboration and broader the engagement of various stakeholders in land conservation and restoration efforts. The content of the website will be gathered from information and data shared on voluntary basis by participating countries and organisations, and sources will be cited wherever possible.

In addition to the information hub, the Global Initiative for Reducing Land Restoration and Enhancing Conservation of Terrestrial Habitats (in short - G20 Global Land Initiative) will also actively aid in the objectives of the platform.

  • Establish a systematic process to continuously review and instil international practices in the domain of restoration and conservation, so that they could be heralded across the world.
  • Create application process interfaces from existing databases to be used by the media, social media influencers, and other interested actors.
  • Develop high-quality data visualisation products based on the existing databases and make them available to the media, including social media.
  • Establish partnerships with accomplished documentary directors and media houses to produce and promote high-quality documentaries on case studies of successful conservation initiatives.
  • Create an immersive virtual space that could host international exhibitions/meetings in which the participants can inhibit current and future environments and interactively test, compare, debate and share ‘data journeys’ into the current and future impacts of the decisions being made.

The G20 Global Land Initiative was launched during the Saudi Presidency of the G20 in 2020. The G20 leaders, in their declaration, shared a collective ambition to achieve 50% reduction in land degradation by 2040. The Initiative strives to achieve this by collective action of G20 Members as well as non G20 Members. The Initiative Coordination Office was established in April 2022 in UN Convention to Combat Desertification Secretariat in Bonn, Germany. More details can be seen on the G20 Global Land Initiative Website.

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